Carnaby Cat

Carnaby Cat shows

A cockney chappy, hailing from the bustling metropolis, Carnaby Cat now resides in a Cattery in East Anglia named Carnaby Cat House, protected by two large stone lions. He is a middle-aged mocker (a cross between a mod and a rocker for those not in the know) who gets younger by the day. Cat is fiercely proud of his vinyl collection. When asked about vinyl, he says ‘I’d never wear anything else’. He suggests he has one of the largest 1960s music collections in the UK, although such claims remain unsubstantiated. He also has an encyclopedic knowledge of all things 1960s (and science fiction) , which he loves to share. Cat has been a 60s DJ for many years and contributes to music magazines and books. So for your 60s listening pleasure, fun, facts and frivolity,

The Carnaby Cat is your.. err (cat).

Radio Tatras International

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